Graphic Design

Scroll all the way down for Day 2

What: Making computer created artwork.
Why: To learn how computers are a valuable tool for artists.
How: Using images of celebrities and the Pixlr editor application.

EQ: What roll can computers play in art?
EU: Computers are a valuable tool to artists and designers, allowing creators to manipulate and create images in new ways.

Day 1 Video

This has all of your instructions including how to save your work. Watch it!

Try this link if needed.

You can keep the video tab open so you can go back and refer to it as needed.


Andy Warhol

Shepard Fairey

Things to consider:

Images of celebrities as a kind of commodity. Repetition shows us the commercial aspect of art but also celebrities.

Your Choice:

You can do a single image or multiple. You can add text or more if you want. You are the artist.

App we are using:

Pixlr Editor

Link the app to your Google CPS account when you first open it.

Day 1 Steps

1. Sign in to Google CPS

2. Open Pixlr Editor

3. Choose an image below. Click it to open it in a new tab. Right click the URL and "Copy" it.

4. In Pixlr select "Open Image from URL", in little pop up box, Right click and "Paste" the URL. OK

5. Login at top right corner. "Sign in with Google". In pop up click your account then in next window, scroll down to click "Accept"

6. View -> Full Screen Mode

7. Adjustment menu - Posterize. Select level 2-5.

8. Adjustment menu - Hue and Saturation. Have fun

9. Finish the image by changing the background and adding other elements as you see fit.

10. Save at end of class. File -> Save -> Save to Pixlr

11. Log out of Pixlr. Sign out of Google.

Images to choose from

Harry Potter

Hermione Granger

Ron Weasley

Bruno Mars



Lady Gaga

Channing Tatum

William Levi


Sam Smith


Day 2 Video

Day 2 Steps

1. Sign in to Google CPS

2. Open Pixlr Editor

3. Hit the X in the top corner of the pop up screen asking how you want to open an image

4. Click Login in -> Login with Google -> Click your account

5. File -> Open image library...

6. Click your file on the left and click the image on the right and then "Open" in bottom right corner

7. Image -> Canvas Size

8. Increase the width and height - Pick a doubled width or height if you want to repeat the image - Add a smaller amount to just create a border or make room for text.

9. In Layer Box, double click the small lock symbol on the right of the layer

10. Magic Wand - select the white background, press delete

11. Edit -> Deselect all

12. Layer -> Duplicate Layer

13. Move tool - move layers around

14. Make any adjustments wanted to new layer. Repeat as desired (max 4 layers or you can't save easily)

15. Add text if you want

16. Layer->New layer   - Move new layer to bottom

17. On this new bottom layer you can create your background

18. Save at end of class. File -> Save -> Save to Pixlr

19. Log out of Pixlr. Sign out of Google.

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