Charting Excel Unit, 4th & 5th

To learn how to use Excel for data collection and presentation.

2 days

You will be completing an Excel project in this short unit. You will be using data to create a bar graph and a pie chart. 

cell, chart, table, Autosum, spreadsheet, column, row

 Days 1 & 2: Bar Graph and Pie Chart 

Charting Starbust
Each student will get a Starburst (you get what you get, and you don't get upset. you can trade with friends). We are going to collect data on the number of each color and create a table and two graphs, a bar graph and a pie chart

What Flavor Are Our Starbursts?
Step by Step Instructions

1. Open Microsoft Excel

2. Click the mouse in cell B1 and type Starburst Colors.

3.Format the column width so the words fit.

4. Highlight “Starburst Colors” and change the font size to 16.

5. Click the mouse in cell B3 and type in “Cherry.”  Highlight the word.  Change the font color to red.  Change the font size to 12.

6. Enter in the name of the different flavors of Starburst into cells, B4, B5, B6. (Strawberry, Orange, and Lemon)

7. Change the name font color to the color of the flavor of the Starburst.  

8. Continue until all the flavors are entered. Change the font size to 12.

9. After you have you entered all your labels, you will need to enter the data recorded for each color.  

10. Click on the mouse in cell C3.

11. Count the number of cherry Starburst in the class.  Record the number in the cell.

12. Change the color of the number to red and change the font size to 12.

13. Repeat, for each flavor; count the number of Starburst of each color, record in the appropriate cell, change the font color and font size.

14. In cell B7 type ‘Total’.  Highlight the cells from C3 to C7.  Press the AutoSum tool for a total count 

15. Once the data is entered, click on cell B3 and drag it to the cell C7. You are making a box around your data.

16. Find the Chart icons.  Click on the vertical bar graph.  Click on the one you like.

17. Format and color in your bars by using the color fill tool. (Double click the elements to get a pop up format box.)

18. Now Count your total using the AutoSum tool.

19. Find the Chart icons.  Click on the pie chart.  Click on the one you like.

20. Format and color in your pie slices by using the color fill tool. (Double click the elements to get a pop up format box.)

21. Save in your class folder (My Computer > U: drive > your grade > your room #)

22. Save As: (example: starburst.elizabeth.branson)

 Turn it in   Submit your finished excel file to the "Starburst Chart" assignment page.

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